Month: August 2014

WHAT the heck is PIYO?

WHAT the heck is PIYO? I am Ga-Ga over PiYO. Totally Ga-Ga. I think it is the Triathlete’s dream come true. I think it completes our training table’s PIE chart (if you know what I mean!) 🙂 It is the missing link. And “yes”, I have the honor to share it with whomever wishes to

70.3 Ironman….It costs HOW MUCH?

70.3 IRONMAN…..It costs HOW MUCH?   I was just lamenting with Stephen how much these 70.3 Ironmans cost! They are clear up to around the $300.00 mark! “My goodness!! They really need to get these prices down a bit! It’s outrageous,” I complained. Well, then we started talking. Stephen said the most interesting thing. He